John L. HENDRIX -- to -- Demcy J "Demsey" HOOPER
Dempsy James HOOPER -- to -- Joseph Alfred HUDDLESTON
Martha IRVIN -- to -- Martha IVY
JACKSON -- to -- Buck JONES
Buckner H JONES -- to -- James Arden "Dutch" KELLEY
James Sutton "Jim" KELLEY -- to -- Elbert KIRK
Borbala KLERI -- to -- Leonora KOKERNOT
Levi Moses KOKERNOT -- to -- Ann LACY
Elizabeth LACY -- to -- Everett LAWLEY
Cornelia Martha LAWRENCE -- to -- Edith LITTLEFIELD
Edith P LITTLEFIELD -- to -- John D. LOVE
Michael Joseph LOVE -- to -- Mary Ann MALEY
Mary L MALEY -- to -- John MARTENS
Judy MARTENS -- to -- Sam MCCAN
James MCCARROLL -- to -- Pleasant Jackson MCNEEL , Jr
William MCNEEL -- to -- Zaza MERRELL
Kathleen MERRIGAN -- to -- Matthew MILLER
Richard MILLER -- to -- Kyle Dean MORGAN
Roger M. MORGAN -- to -- Mark MYRON
Katalin NAGY -- to -- Darlene NIESNER
Eva NITE -- to -- Malinda PATTON
PEARL -- to -- Hezekiah PICKENS
Hezekiah Middleton PICKENS -- to -- Haskel PIERCE
Marlene L. PIERCE -- to -- Jacob PUGH
Jacob PUGH -- to -- George Granville READER
Geraldine READER -- to -- Wood D ROBERTS
Mary Janetta ROBERTSON -- to -- Derek SATKO
Mark SATKO -- to -- Selena Elizabeth SHAW
Theresa Ann SHAW -- to -- Russell SMITH
Susan Virginia SMITH -- to -- Minnie ST JOHN
Orie ST JOHN -- to -- Thomas STEWART
William STEWART -- to -- THERESIA
Gertrude THIBAUDEAU -- to -- Martha TILTON
Marvin Stacy TILTON -- to -- Charles TUBB
Charles Dorsey TUBB -- to -- VOLCK
Maurice VOLCK -- to -- Amelia Josephine WEST
E. W. WEST -- to -- Carrol Dean WILDER
Hubert Thornton WILDER -- to -- Henderson WILLIAMS
Henderson May WILLIAMS -- to -- Pilgrim WILLIAMS
Rollins WILLIAMS -- to -- William WILSON
Nancy WINBURN -- to -- Absalom WOFFORD
Daniel WOFFORD -- to -- Sheryl Lynn ZUMWALT
UP (Alma - Sheryl Lynn ZUMWALT )
BACK (Alma - Chloe HENDRIX )